I think of this being synchronicity, when all sorts of tumblers fall into place to create an ideal situation, and I was not the one arranging the tumblers.
Pre-pandemic I was making a road trip to Fort Collins, Colorado, which involves several rest area stops along I-70 in Kansas and Colorado. I noticed a red pickup with Missouri license plates, and a man walking a small dog. They looked familiar from a distance. The man came out of the rest room and was looking at the Kansas map on the wall. I approached, and sure enough, it was a dear family friend from St. Louis, also on his way to Colorado. What are the chances?!?!?! How many times have you run into someone you know from another state at a rest stop? We were both amazed, and made several phone calls after we hit the road--"you won't believe what just happened!" FUN!
The Universe supports us in ways beyond our imagining, so I'm thinking a lot is going on with "forces beyond our control." I do love a good synchronicity!

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