Friday, December 30, 2011

Forrest Yoga Comes to Wichita!

Ana Forrest has developed an awesome healing style of yoga, which you can read more about at  
I am the only Forrest Yoga teacher in Kansas, and you can start practicing Forrest Yoga with me on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.  Here's the ongoing info:

       Days/Times: Tuesday evenings (6:45 pm)
                           Saturday mornings (10 am)
                These are 75-90-minute classes.
       Location: My home in northwest Wichita, Kansas
       Cost: $12 per class—the “drop-in” rate
    $60 for a 6-class package—no expiration and no refunds
    $60 for a private session or 2-person session (call or email to schedule)
Gift certificates available.
No previous yoga experience is necessary! Contact me at  

Here's a quote from Ana Forrest describing her excellent work:
As a beginner to FY, you learn to breathe deeply and connect in feeling with your body. As you progress, you get proficient at safely tailoring each pose to work best for you, particularly with physical and emotional injuries. Learning to work honestly at your edges, you develop effective tools to deal with fear, struggle, and breakthroughs. This makes it possible for integrity, self-awareness and playful curiosity to become part of your daily life.

Please join us!  Your body, mind and spirit will celebrate!
Love and blessings,

A Poem from Joan Borysenko

This comes from her daily reader, Pocketful of Miracles:
In the secret recesses of the heart
beyond the teachings of this world
calls a still, small voice
singing a song unchanged 
from the foundation of the world.
Speak to me in sunsets and in starlight
Speak to me in the eyes of a child
You Who call me from a smile
My cosmic beloved
Tell me who I am
And who I always will be.
Help me to remember.

With overflowing gratitude for a spectacular 2011, and a certain knowing of huge blessings to come in 2012!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Notes from the Universe--Mike Dooley--highly recommended!

Glorious winter solstice to all!
I LOVE the Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley.  I especially appreciate the one from Dec. 20, so I offer it here for your consideration and enjoyment:
The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people are:

1. They're not dead.
2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.
3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.
4. They were ready to go when they went.
5. You're not ready.
6. They finally understand what they were missing.
7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.
8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.
10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...

In their own words,
    The Universe


Mike Dooley's website is
Joy and peace,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Answered Prayer

A quote from Eugene Holden: "Your desires and God's will for your life are the same thing. God desires to express fully and abundantly as you."
Desires tend to get a bad rap.  We've even heard that desire is the root of suffering.  Not so!  It is the God-given essence, the desires of our hearts, that lead us to live to our potential, to be the fully-vibrant expressions of God that we came here to be.  When we follow our hearts' desires, we are happy and free, and we are blessings to our world.  When we don't, we are stressed and unhappy and spiritually imprisoned, and not much good to anyone. 
Our lives ARE answered prayer--we are continually and perfectly supported in love, offered in every moment our hearts' desires. Let's accept this overflowing love and be all we can be!
Love and joy,