Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28--Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.  --Lemony Snicket

    I've been sitting here attempting to come up with times wherein I have stayed put and what I wanted came to me. I'm much more the type to go out into the world and find it for myself. 
    However, I am sitting here waiting for my cup of coffee which my husband sweetly delivers to me each morning after completing his "first thing" ritual of making excellent pour-over coffee. 
    So I finally gave up on staying put because my husband slept through his alarm. So what I wanted did not come to me!
    I have done some things in my life that I consider, in hindsight, fu?*&%$ing crazy. Part of my MLB 30-stadium quest was to go to three games on three consecutive nights in Atlanta, Tampa, and Miami, driving the whole gig by myself. Given my quest, I had to go out and get it. I have also gone skydiving, one goal of that being overcoming fear. You can't do a lot of fear-conquering by staying put. 
    Generally on the move,
An anchor to help
with the "stay put" 

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