Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25--What's Your Impact?

Better by far to be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference.   
--David Nicholls

    "Good and courageous and bold" can mean many different things to us humans. On some days, just getting out of bed and engaging the world fits the bill. It may be climbing a mountain or skydiving or bungee-jumping. It may be telling someone, "I love you." It may be facing a serious illness or grieving the passing of a loved one. 
    What about "making a difference"? We all have interactions with others each day that make a difference. Then there are the "save the world," life-changing differences like the inventions of the printing press, light bulbs and airplanes. We all need to make a difference whether it be large or small--every one matters.
    Circulating love makes a difference--do that boldly!

Coneflowers blooming in my garden

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