Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26--Always Choosing

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.  --Nora Ephron

    I can say for me that the off-and-on depression I have experienced over the past couple of years has felt very much like I'm the victim of my life. I don't like that, because I have many more instances of being the heroine. This quote is a good "wake-up call" to continue with my intentions of 1) to stay healthy and active, and 2) to encourage and allow myself to be a happy human. Those are heroine rather than victim intentions. 
    What other ways might demonstrate being the hero or heroine of your life? Practicing good self-care. Doing work you love. Putting your talents out into the world. Life-long learning. Being kind and useful. Dreaming great dreams and making them happen. Allowing emotions to flow freely and move on. Letting those you love know it. 
    What ways of living emphasize the victim's stance? Blaming. Resentment. Disappointment. Giving up. Self-pity. Fear. 
    I have been both the heroine and victim in my life, probably always will be, even being both on any given day. I prefer the heroine role.
In my front yard!

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