Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24--Loving Grief?

Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved. 
--William Paul Young

    I've been dealing with grief nearly non-stop for almost two years now, some related to deaths, some not. The challenge is to trust the love of Spirit for me enough to believe that I can "trust the process." Note "for me" in italics--it is easy for me to know that Spirit loves everyone and everything, but even me, too?!?!?! Sometimes in grief it is hard for me to feel loved. 
    Here is a wonderful descriptive of grief by Richard Rohr:

Perhaps the simplest and most inclusive definition of grief is “unfinished hurt.” It feels like a demon spinning around inside of us and it hurts too much, so we immediately look for someone else to blame. We have to learn to remain open to our grief, to wait in patient expectation for what it has to teach us. When we close in too tightly around our sadness or grief, when we try to fix it, control it, or understand it, we only deny ourselves its lessons... Many of us have been taught that grief and sadness are something to repress, deny, or avoid. We would much rather be angry than sad.

    I have found myself more often angry than sad, confessing to the rush of self-righteous anger. Early life indoctrination that showing anger is inappropriate, however, still causes me to work hard at containing the anger and pretending it is not there. 
    I saw a meme recently that said, "Does the process know we are trusting it?!?!?!" There you have it. 
    One day at a time,
At Panama City Beach

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