Monday, June 10, 2024

June 10--Letting Go Requires Bravery

If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall; this is the physics of vulnerability.  --Brene Brown

    Well, I was brave on Saturday and "fell" miserably. I played in a golf tournament at Sim Golf Course with the ladies' league for which I am the treasurer. Let's say I'm much better at "treasurer" than I am at "golfer." I haven't been playing much golf, and Sim is an easy course, plus we started at 8am so that I thought heat would not be a problem. Long story short--I shot the second worst round of my life and was exhausted from the heat/humidity/no-breeze combo. 
    I had a discussion with a friend recently around this fact of life: "Everything has a lifespan." I suspect my golfing days are numbered, since I'm not enjoying it so much anymore. This is extremely distressing to me as a lifelong golfer, but I see no point in forcing myself to get out there and "have fun." At least I am going to take a break during the heat of summer, and I will continue to play golf with my sons. 
    Change... life's only constant,
At Botanica, Lego fox in the background

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