Oh, boy, how I wish everyone on the planet would adopt Ford's mantra. There is simply too much whining going on. How's that for whining!?!!? I believe it was Einstein who said that one can't solve a problem with the consciousness that created it.
I grew up with a much-older brother and mother who were poster-children for the blame game. Most of the blame was aimed at my dad, but no one was immune from their accusations. And that was it--all fault and no remedy. Alas, I have to go with my oft-repeated mantra: sometimes a bad example is a good thing.
Our lives have meaning and purpose. . . . We either help build this world up in love or tear it apart. Either way, we bear the responsibility for the world’s future.
--Ilia Delio
Our lives have meaning and purpose. . . . We either help build this world up in love or tear it apart. Either way, we bear the responsibility for the world’s future.
--Ilia Delio
Love is the remedy.

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