--Erich Fromm
I'm thinking this is referring to being in a love relationship. That does take work. I do, however, believe that love IS natural, otherwise we would not be so determined to find someone to love. I also think it is likely that we all have a bit of a narcissist in us.
Speaking of love relationships, I am in Ohio for my great-nephew's wedding. What a joy it is to see extended family members and friends after many months apart.
I had the most delightful encounter on my trip to Ohio yesterday. I was wearing my Wichita State University hoodie, and I stopped for an iced coffee at a surprisingly unbusy Starbucks in the Dallas airport. A young man was waiting for his order, and he said, "A Shocker, huh? I went to WSU." Thus began a lovely conversation and a two-mile walk, because both of us had long layovers. His name is Marcus and he was on the WSU mens' bowling team that won the national championship in 2015. He came from Sweden to WSU for bowling, leaving his whole family behind. He admitted it was quite a "culture shock." He has since earned his PhD in an area of neurological science that studies the brain and aging. He was headed to Seattle to start his first job in the field. We talked about bowling, other sports, why he elected not to go on the pro bowlers' tour. I am not one to start up conversations with strangers very often. My WSU hoodie did the job for me, and this reminds me how interesting people are. It pays for this introvert to come out of her shell now and then!
Double bonus... I was wearing my 30 t-shirt (see May 17 post), and a young woman walking past me said, "Way to wear your age on your t-shirt!" LOL. Thanks, made my day!!
More fun to come!

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