I recently completed an excellent vacation with my niece and a friend. We often mentioned to each other how happy we were to be together. I live a thousand miles away from them, so it is truly a treat to have so much time together. Being at the beach was "icing on the cake."
As I ponder my "treasures," family and friends top the list. Good health, adventures, and the adorable Barney sleeping next to me follow closely behind. While I appreciate the comfort of my home, and I love my garden and neighborhood, "stuff" is becoming less and less important to me.
Dwelling on things that are not right in my life leaves me feeling dull, frustrated and drained. Focusing on those aspects of my life for which I am grateful leaves me feeling energized and alive.
Today I send a heavenly "thank you" to my dad. He was the best, truly a treasure, and I miss him every day.
Happy Father's Day!

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