With that lovely thought in mind, we just saw a coyote strolling down the beach. This is a very populated area, so one would not expect that. It's a good example of us humans taking away animal habitat.
The beach vacation continues with more game-playing, sunning, walking and loads of love and laughter. Sleeping in with no alarm is glorious.
I like these words from Richard Rohr in today's "Daily Meditation" wherein he is discussing the fact that all of life is sacred:
Divine Incarnation took the form of an Indwelling Presence in every human soul and surely all creatures in some rudimentary way. Ironically, our human freedom gives us the ability to stop such a train and refuse to jump on board our own life. Angels, animals, trees, water ... seem to fully accept and enjoy their wondrous fate. Only we humans resist and deny our core identities. We can cause great havoc and thus must be somehow boundaried and contained. The only way we ourselves can refuse to jump onto the train of life is by any negative game of exclusion or unlove—even of ourselves. Everything belongs, including us.
Let us do a better job of INclusion rather than EXclusion.

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