--L. M. Montgomery
Let's be literal for a moment. When I was 20 months old, I had eye surgery to correct a crossed left eye. Fortunately my parents figured out that the reason I was having difficulty in school was because I couldn't see the board, seated as I was at the back of the room. So I have been wearing glasses for distance nearly my whole life. But even at age 67, I can see things up close without glasses. That's a huge blessing!
The wedding and celebration was awesome fun!! Lots of dancing, cheering, great food and drink--quite the celebration! I feel extraordinarily blessed to be present for all of it!
Today I drive through "my old stomping grounds," the area where I grew up. I get to go to Alan Seeger Natural Area in central PA--as far as I'm concerned, it is the most beautiful spot on the planet. I drink in the beauty of this area--the mountains, streams, fall colors, fresh air, bazillions of trees (I'd guess that one PA mountain has more trees than the entire state of Kansas). My "eyes to see" shall be filled to overflowing!

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