Monday, July 6, 2020

July 6--Get the Inside Right

Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. --Eckhart Tolle

     I've spent much of my lifetime interested in what goes on inside me. It's been a fascinating exploration and excavation.
     I'm guessing that we all start out trying to get the outside right, i.e., trying to control people, places and situations. That fairly quickly proves to be a frustrating and impossible attempt, although that doesn't stop some of us from continuing to try. I was raised by the poster child for control freaks--my mother had a lifelong, unsuccessful obsession with control. 
     I was very fortunate that my addiction led me, decades ago, to a 12-Step program where I learned how to "get the inside right." I've also pursued considerable spiritual development opportunities over the years. Getting my inside right hasn't always been a pretty process, but I can verify that it has made the outside "fall into place." I'm comfortable in my own skin. My life, family, home and work are all wonderful. I rarely get vastly off-center in any way. The key thing is that I've learned that "inside" is the place of empowerment. I can change me, but no one else. I'm good with that. Giving up the control gig frees up a lot of energy to be used in much more enjoyable and successful ways. It also makes for much happier relationships.
     Feeling good inside and out,

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