Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 22--Now and Then

Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming.  --Alice Walker

     Hmmmmm... I can't say as I'm dreaming of a future of chaos, corruption, greed, pandemic and rampant "us vs. them." I prefer to think of those things as splinters in the human consciousness, and the wholeness within us is exposing them in order to root them out. This will ultimately allow human kindness and proper caring for one another to prevail. That's the future I am dreaming.
     On a personal, one-day-at-a-time level, I love my life. I dream of being creative, useful and content, living in a divine flow of joy. I'm painting, teaching and mostly OK with pandemic life at home. We are forced to be creative with small adventures to keep us from getting too isolated. I do put effort into keeping my thoughts positive (the present I am constructing), because negativity can easily wreck both the present and the future. Ever-expanding gratitude keeps me on track.
     EnJOYing another day in paradise,

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