Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 29--What We Do Naturally

To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. --Friedrich Nietzsche

     This is a bit harsh, I think. I've known folks who have beaten up on themselves mercilessly because they felt they could not figure out their purpose. The pressure to name one's purpose is just another neurosis in our culture.
     Having a purpose, on the other hand, is a very valuable and motivating thing. I've labeled a variety of purposes for myself over time. Probably my favorite is bringing people together. I was going to say that's not happening right now with the pandemic, but I am still accomplishing it via Zoom. It's simply a thing I do, it's natural for me, so I don't dwell on "purpose."
     My favorite purpose is the one named by Abraham-Hicks, and it applies to all of us: we are here for joy, expansion and freedom. Another take on that is Joseph Campbell's "follow your bliss." If we all do that, bringing the best we have to life, wow, what a world we could create. Gone would be the angst and misery of so many living a dissatisfying life.
     The way I see it, if you are mostly happy, you are living your purpose, whether or not you can name it. If you are not happy, probably some changes are in order.
     Joyfully expanding freely,

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