Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19--Walk the Walk

It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.  --Jane Austen

     "Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk." I've had this reinforced for decades in the 12-Step program. It's the idea that we actually work the program and live the results, not just talk or think about doing it.
     Anyone who has raised children can attest to this fact--you can talk all you want, but it is your actions that will truly impress them, whether that be conscious or not. Children know when the verbiage and the actions are not coherent. "Do as I say, not as I do" simply does not work.
     We can spout the virtues of kindness, but do we actually express it to those who serve us? It's often too easy to offer advice, but do we practice our own advice? We recognize the value of self-care, but do we actually make time each day for it? We say we love to __________ (paint, swim, be in nature, golf, garden, visit with friends, etc.), but do we do those things regularly?
     During this pandemic, we are being called upon to see and do things differently. Despite the uncertainty swirling around us, I, for one, am ready for our doing to be upgraded.
     Doing my best to live my convictions,

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