Monday, September 30, 2024

September 30--Good Riddance! and Please Don't GO!!!

We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence. 
--Cornel West

    I enjoyed a chuckle over this random social media post:

Spring: depressed in a hopeful way
Summer: depressed in a manic way
Fall: depressed in a nostalgic way
Winter: depressed in a depressed way

 the heavens, this is the end of September! I definitely did not pass through unscathed, and there is angst that still must be handled. The bonus for September passing is a big sigh of relief and moving into October, my favorite month, because of fall color, cooler temperatures and my birthday. It's better if the Cubs are in the playoffs, but that is not to be this year, so I have elected to cheer on the Royals, Orioles and Phillies in postseason play.
    I've written many times how much I love the Cubs announcers, Jim Deshaies and Boog Sciambi. Here's an example. As a "last game of the season" feature, Boog did a 120-second interview of JD, rapidly firing questions. The toughest was, "Snacks or naps?" JD was stumped, then said, "Can I have a snack, then a nap?" What a kindred spirit!
    October, I'm so happy to see ya!
Boog (left), JD (right)

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