Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2--Stillness Opens Us

We do not need to go out and find love; rather, we need to be still and let love discover us.  --John O'Donohue

    Only in stillness can we connect deeply with the love within us, our natural, organic state. 
    Painting is one of the ways that I can use stillness. I have no expectations of my artwork residing in a gallery someday. I am very content to piddle around with paints and please myself. I love the open spiritual feeling I get when I sit down at my craft table to add paint to a project. My current project is experimenting with painting clay pots, combining my love of painting and plants. Below is my first creation--note my love of straight lines 😉😉 The plant is a Rattlesnake Plant, calathea lancifolia. I noticed that this plant's leaves reach upward toward the stars at nighttime and relax back open in the daylight. 
    Happy Labor Day! This is an excellent day to enjoy stillness.

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