Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11--Waiting...

There is not love of life without despair about life.  --Albert Camus

    Well, life begins and life ends. I restate Brian McLaren's definition of grief: grief is love persisting when what we love is passing away. Another way to look at the Camus quote is in this spiritual wisdom: everything has a lifespan. Nothing stays the same, and generally we don't care for that, but oh, well--there is the despair. 
    Right now I am wildly swinging between love and despair. The new grandbaby is due any day now, LOVE OF LIFE. Not knowing what's happening moment-to-moment (they are in Colorado) has me in a concurrent state of anxious despair. We don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, so there's extra excitement over the surprise. September 11 was my mother's birthday, so it would be cool for her great grandbaby to arrive today. 
    Stay tuned!!
Barney is really good at waiting...

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