Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26--Another Day in Paradise

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. 
--Desmond Tutu

    I believe that in some way I don't understand that we DO choose our family. In some instances, I wonder what the hell I was thinking!!?! I did make an excellent selection for my dad and oldest brother. Now I do get to choose my "friend family," and it is the best!
    Yesterday's Savannah adventure included a walk to Cafe M for a French pastry breakfast. As is typical, I got us lost on the way there (seriously, it was right down and across the street from our hotel). But our wanderings took us down to the beautiful riverfront, where we found the Christmas shop (an ornament being one of the must-haves of my travel bud) and a Life Is Good store, which is my favorite clothing brand. After shopping we rode the trolley for the full tour. This is a gorgeous city with loads of amazing architecture and history. 
    The evening was capped off with a fabulous dinner at Elizabeth on 37th. It is a restaurant in a beautiful old home. It was by far the best and most expensive meal I've ever had, an extraordinary treat. 
    And of course, we finished off the day with card-playing--we played 31, and since we had no coins, we played with EmergenC packets 😄
    Ready for more fun!
Approaching Elizabeth on 37th

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