Saturday, October 3, 2020

October 3--I Surely Hope So!

Come to a space of peace and you'll find that you can deal with anything. 
--Michael Singer 

    I'm working on the peace thing. (See yesterday's rant.) I know Singer's quote to be true for me. When I am centered in that space of peace, there is very little that annoys me. Alas, sometimes the space of peace feels like I'm navigating across a one-inch-wide balance beam. 
    As I was swimming laps yesterday, I realized why I am so upset with the "abnormal" EKG and being forced to see a cardiologist. It makes me mistrust my body. Having spent years, literally, improving my body sense and body appreciation, I don't care for such a setback. 
    On the bright side, all my other pre-surgery physical tests came back with good results. Therefore, I'm counting on the heart thing being a no-thing. 
    What gets me into a space of peace? I count on my morning spiritual practice, including this blog writing, to start my day on a centered note. I have several daily tasks that in combination give me a good sense of satisfying self-care. Lap swimming several times a week is essential to my ongoing sanity (I know this having been unable to swim for three months earlier this year.) Given this unusual 2020 we've had, I truly appreciate every opportunity to get out of the house. (I'm acutely aware of this with surgery and recovery looming.) My backyard swing is a space of peace, where I can contemplate and enjoy my garden. Belly rubs and playing with my dog Barney bring me back to present-moment joy. Deep breathing does that, too.
    By the way, Michael Singer is the author of an excellent book that I highly recommend: The Untethered Soul
    Peaceful for now,

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