Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 7--The People in Our Lives

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together--but do so with all your heart.  --Marcus Aurelius

     I'm not much of a believer in fate. I believe we attract people to us with similar vibrations, or those who have the resources we need, or those who help us to fulfill a need or learn a lesson. We are  continually expanding and growing, and the Universe is designed to bring us what we need to support that expansion.
     The trick here is that we may not care for some of the people with whom we connect in life. My older brother, Ken, hated me from the day I was born. It's a long family story I won't get into here. I was the target of his abuse his whole life. However, after much counseling, forgiveness and understanding, I see that he was probably my greatest teacher in this lifetime. I've learned a lot about myself and how I want to be from being subjected to his nastiness.
     It can certainly be a challenge to love some of the people you encounter "with all your heart." It is helpful to remember that each of us is child of Spirit doing the best he or she can. Using simple kindness in each interaction is a useful practice... to treat others as you want to be treated. I seek to keep all my relationships clean and healthy, making amends right away if needed, so that if I made my transition today, there would be no outstanding "issues." To me, that's loving with all my heart. And yes, it's a practice.
     In whole heart connection,

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