I met a relatively-new friend at my favorite coffee shop yesterday morning for breakfast and a gab session. We had both been away from home over a several week stretch, and it was great to be together again. We are both in our 60s, and we have friends. We don't need more friends. But who is going to turn down someone with whom one "clicks"? We really enjoy each other both on and off the pickleball court.
If you've read this blog for any length of time, you know that napping is my favorite hobby. I saw this random post somewhere amongst my scrolling on the internet:
I’m staying in my pajamas today because I'm dressing for the job I want, and I want to be a Princess who sleeps for a hundred years.
Could there be a better reason to stay in one's pajamas?!!?! Does it logically follow that if one does not want a job, one should run around naked?!?!
Life can appear messy and ugly. Let's laugh more, especially with friends!

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