Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12--Missing Arlie

No friendship is an accident.  --O. Henry

    Today would have been my brother Arlie's 85th birthday. Being in Ohio with his daughter has definitely cranked up the "missing him" dial. 
    My niece has an outstanding group of close friends who have seen each other through pretty much the traditional wedding vows: richer/poorer, sickness/health, better/worse. They have been friends since high school, I believe. When I visit here, they welcome me into the gang like I've been with them forever. D and I met up with two of them yesterday afternoon at a Cuyahoga Falls brew pub. We sat outside on a lovely summer day and had beers and pizza and played a few rounds of Rummikub. Another item was checked off our fun list. 
    Alas, reality is setting in. My niece has teacher training sessions the next couple of days to prepare for the upcoming school year. I'll be prepping for my trip home starting Wednesday. Life moves on.
    Life is good!
Another photo from Longwood Gardens

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