Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27--New Worlds

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.  --Anais Nin

    This leads me first to the practice of sponsorship in the 12-Step programs. Consistent program work with a sponsor is most definitely a life-changing experience that births a new world of recovery. Some of my dearest friends in this lifetime came to me via my addiction. 
    I think next of the friend who invited me to stay at her home while I attended yoga teacher training over a decade ago. That offer made it easy logistically to attend the training. A new world was certainly born for me through that experience, though I will say that the labor was VERY long and difficult. 😉😉
    I remember in my first "real" job the friend who invited me to play on the company golf team. I said I had never played, and she said, "You're athletic, you'll be fine." (I remember that because, trust me, that was the first time in my life that anyone called me athletic!) I rented clubs to try it, played a dreadful first round, loved it, and bought clubs the next day. Golfing has turned out to be a huge bonding activity with my sons and me. It has birthed new worlds for them, too. 
    I appreciate the person who so kindly took me under her wing when I walked onto a pickleball court for the first time, a complete newbie with a paddle in hand and the willingness to learn. A fun new world opened for me as I now play several times a week. 
    Lastly, a giant new world, literally the whole planet, opened up for me when my traveling bud, Lanie, said "Yes, let's go!" to the first trip proposal many years ago. We've covered a lot of territory on Mother Earth, and there's plenty more to see. 
    Opening one's heart and mind can be quite rewarding!
More orchid beauty from
Longwood Gardens

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