Actually, I think in the infinite grand scheme of things, this may be the case. Our souls are not limited to our bodies, not some separate entities floating around somewhere. We are all part of the Big Soul. Have you had the experience wherein you meet someone new and become instant friends, as though you have known each other forever? I'd bet that's what Aristotle was claiming. Who knows!??! Anyway, I like the idea.
I'm settling back into non-traveling life. My projects-make-me-happy husband did amazing things while I was away. He bought a pressure washer and cleaned everything--porch, window frames, deck, siding, garden fountain. No cobweb or speck of dirt was safe. He chopped up and disposed of a bunch of tree limbs that came down in recent storms. He fixed toilets. He vacuumed. He kept things alive in the garden despite the gross heat and humidity. What a guy--I'm still discovering things he did.
Life is good!

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