Who sends greeting cards these days!??!!? Obviously we still do, as Hallmark et al are still making them. I get a special chuckle out of the greeting-card experience. I have been married to my husband for 38 years, and EVERY greeting card from my mother-in-law (birthdays, Christmas, anniversary) refers to me as "daughter-in-law." No generic card for me! I assume this has been the case with her other d-i-ls, too.
The card-makers don't put a lot of tough love into cards. I haven't seen one that says, "Isn't it about time you got your shit together?!?!?!" There is a store on College Avenue in Fort Collins that has the best funny cards. I sent one to a friend that said on the front, "We've been through a lot together," and on the inside: "And most of it was your fault!" And another: "Exercise makes you look better in a swimsuit," and on the inside: "So does alcohol. Your choice!"
Life is more often messy rather than the sappy stuff of the traditional greeting card. I like it that way!!

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