Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8--The Relief Tears Bring

What cannot be said will be wept.  --Sappho

    This has been so true for me. I can't put into words how hard it is not having my brother Arlie on the planet, yet at the same time, I am grateful for his end to suffering. 
    I encourage folks to cry, which I refer to as soul-rinsing. We would not have the physical ability to cry if it was not essential to our well-being. It is an exceptional way to move energy that needs to be released. As Sappho said, we don't even need to know the impetus for the tears. 
    I have shed many a tear of joy in my lifetime, too. Tears have expressed appreciation for a place of great beauty on our magnificent Mother Earth or for a great work of art. Simple everyday things like a spectacular sunset or the intricacies of a spider's web can start the flow of tears. 
    My dad, annoyed with my tendency to cry "too much," used to say about me: "Her water always was close to her eyes." 
    I'm OK with that, Dad. 

David by Michelangelo, gets my vote for
the most beautiful work of art in the world.

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