Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28--A Brief Trip

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.  --Pablo Neruda

    I had a spiritual mentor long ago who advocated this ideal: if nothing ever upsets me, there would never be anything to forgive. Notice that I wrote ideal, not idea. I have a long history of self-righteous irritations and upsets that has been a challenge to overcome. 
    I have survived the life-without-a-dryer opportunity by hanging two loads of laundry outside. This yields stiff but good-smelling clothes. The new dryer arrives this afternoon. 
    When I was still living at home in Pennsylvania, my dad bought my mom an electric washer and dryer to make her life easier. She would have none of it; the pair sat unused in the basement. She continued to use her wringer washer because "that electric one doesn't get the clothes clean." There was NEVER any dingy in my mother's laundry. She hung the laundry outside on three 50' long clothes lines. 
    This trip down memory lane has a nasty ending, because I got stuck with all the ironing!

"Look... no work!" 
Please tell me women were not
that stupid back then!!!

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