Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27--Pruning Happens

You don't love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.  --William Faulkner

    Well, the weather forecasters' storm hysteria was correct on Saturday evening. We received .6" much-needed rain, but alas, plenty of wind damage. Walking Barney around the neighborhood, I see loads of debris and limbs small and large that have been violently pruned. About half the debris in our yard came from a neighbor's tree--three huge branches wherein all I could do was drag them to the side to get them off the grass. I pulled the rest of the branches onto the driveway where I could sit and chop them up as best I could. While in that process, our neighbor at the end of our court saw me and the mess, backed his pickup (hauling their debris) down the court, loaded up all of it and hauled it away. What an extraordinarily helpful blessing!   
    Enjoy your Memorial Day, remembering those we have loved and lost, and telling those still with us how much we love them!
Probably about 80 lb of tree debris
from the backyard neighbor's tree

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