Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17--Let Go, Let Life

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.  --Eckhart Tolle

    My brother was the first one to share with me this phrase regarding unwillingness to forgive: "you are letting that person live in your head rent-free." Such a state is one of weakness. Clearing the mental squatters is an act of self-empowerment.
    Recently I've been considering the practice of self-pity. That is defending or hanging on, and it is a weakened state. Letting go of the "oh, poor me" stuff, dwelling in the past, gives us the opportunity to see potentials for a more creative future. 
    Unforgiveness keeps us trapped in the past. Forgiveness clears the wreckage--a "clean slate" is a powerful place to start.
My latest sewing creation, 
a CUBS garden flag

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