Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21--Blanket of Love

When someone loves you it's like having a blanket all round your heart. 
--Helen Fielding

    One of the benefits of the Twelve Step programs is that one gets to create/develop/envision one's own personal Higher Power. (Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.) HP could be the group, nature, the Big Guy on the Throne, whatever works for each individual. When I first started to take on my addiction, my HP was simply a snugly warm blanket that held me, making no demands of me, just holding me in love. I'm a strong advocate for each person creating their own useful version of HP, otherwise we don't maintain a vital connection to a Life greater than our own will can conceive. 
    And yes, I do have a blankie that I sleep with that reminds me of that HP love.
Bright colors
(turquoise, pink, speckled, purple, yellow)
for the new grandbaby

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