Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13--Choice Words

Life must be rich and full of loving--it's no good otherwise, no good at all, for anyone.  --Jack Kerouac

    As a die-hard Cubs fan, I'm pleased to report that the Cubs swept a 3-game series against Baltimore in Baltimore. This is huge, as the Orioles are one of MLB's best teams and the Cubs have been sucking badly. In Thursday night's game, the Cubs 3rd baseman made a great play to get a close out at first. Jim Deshaies, Cubs TV announcer, said, "Just pick it and flick it." This made me laugh out loud because when my younger son was about five years old, he announced to me, very profoundly, "Mom, I've decided to stop eating my boogers. I just like pickin' 'em and flickin' 'em."
    Let us not take life or ourselves too seriously!
Nicholas Krushenick, "Elephant Spoons"
Art Institute of Chicago

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