Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11--Only Love Works

Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.  --Euripides

    One does not have to step very far back to see what fools we humans are. We don't even need to go out into space to see that war, violence and environmental destruction are not helpful in any way. STOP IT!
    While exploring Chicago this past weekend, we had loads of time for people-watching. Truly we saw every version of humanity--skin color, culture, ethnicity, personal hygiene, extreme wealth, wretched poverty. At one point I wondered to my niece how many different languages we heard being spoken during our time there. Alas, here is a headline from a Chicago news station: "19 killed, 84 wounded in shootings across Chicago during holiday weekend." 
    What did that violence accomplish but sorrow? 
    I saw a meme that wisely suggested: "What if we don't have a President and we all just agree to be cool?"
    Love is our best option to reunite the Divided States of America with ourselves and the world. 
Georgia O'Keefe, "Red Hills with Flowers,"
Art Institute of Chicago

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