Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18--HodgePodge

Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.  --Teresa of Avila

I don’t know about you, but my biggest fear isn’t public speaking or dying alone, it’s that I might be a minute late to anything.  --Rev. Josh Reeves

    Part of my morning spiritual practice is assorted inspiring reading. That's where the Reeves quote comes from--I had to include it because it made me laugh out loud--that is totally me! Yesterday's three readings were all about acceptance, forgiveness and surrender. I do believe the Universe is trying to get through to me. This whole trip has those three items square in the front of my mind.
    Yesterday's fun-with-grandson included time at a playground with him and his mom. He's quite the adventurer now, climbing, sliding and spinning. It was a gorgeous, not-hot day. My husband and I had lunch at a lovely French sandwich shop. Places in Fort Collins usually have outside seating, which works so well with Barney. I accomplished a fine nap while my husband went shopping. Then it was off to babysit. That went really well, although Luca still won't let me hold him. He stayed attached to Grandpa D most of the time. We did take the two dogs and Luca for a late evening walk. Luca held onto Barney's leash most of the time--Barney adjusts his pace and the whole thing is adorable. 
    The other bonus of this trip was meeting our younger son's girlfriend of many months. She is quite adventuresome, and they seem very well matched and comfortable together. 
    More fam fun ahead!
The sign says, "Your
smile warms this trail."

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