Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19--Enjoying the Family

There are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement.  --Jane Austen  

    A huge family day yesterday was. On the way to our son's house, we picked up some Palisade peaches, an exceptional summertime treat. We arrived to a waffle and bacon breakfast. We collected stuff and walked to the neighborhood pool--that's son, grandson, husband and me. We had a great time playing with Luca in the pool. He was a very brave boy falling into his dad's arms from the side of the pool. 
    Son and grandson had lunch and nap time while my husband and I went to the Crown Pub where our other son works. We sat outside on a lovely afternoon and had a late lunch. Then around 4:00 we headed over to New Belgium Brewery for outdoor hanging. Our son and d-i-l both work there, so beers were "on the house" for us. Eventually the whole family congregated, and we had a great time hanging out, people-watching and enjoying the time together. We finished off with a lovely pasta dinner at our son's house. We said our parting goodbyes, including handshakes and kisses from our grandson. 
    I have a lot of mixed feelings about family in Colorado, related to the lengthy depression I went through (and am just recently climbing out of). I elected to set all that aside for this visit, and make every effort to simply be present to whatever and whomever was in front of me. I feel as though I did a fairly good job of that. Nevertheless, I can feel that I have much to process, bringing me back around to acceptance, forgiveness and surrender. 
    Homeward bound,
One of Fort Collins' many 
painted utility boxes

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