Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14--How Big Is Your World?

We are biologically, cognitively, physically and spiritually wired to love, be loved, and to belong.  --Brene Brown

    The word "belong" is sticking out for me in this quote. One of the things that concerns me as I get older is the idea of my world becoming smaller. What does that mean? I've seen older folks become less active, less involved, having less social interaction, and becoming more and more isolated. This may be due to physical or health issues, retirement, or even by choice. I'm an introvert by nature, so I often have to nudge (shove!) myself to participate in society. Our families are all far away--how long will we be able to travel to see them? I'm becoming less interested in playing golf--that's a whole set of folks that I could drift away from. I'm enjoying simulated patient work and pickleball, and I've met and reconnected with many folks via those efforts. Traveling is still "number 1" on my agenda, but for how long? 
    Writing this makes me realize that the fine balance of belonging vs. isolation is my choice, at least for now. I am blessed in that the only limit I have at the moment is my tendency to be a hermit. If I make the effort, my world continues to be just the right size. 
    Still showing up,
My favorite Chicago photo--
Wrigley Field from my airplane
circling to land

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