Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 12--On a Roller Coaster

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.  --J. K. Rowling

    This post is about the bravery of riding an emotional roller coaster. Yesterday's trip adventures had me all set for hanging out at the peaks. I left NE Ohio and headed into central PA to visit my "old stomping grounds." I drove over Nittany Mountain out of State College (Penn State University) and drove by the house where I grew up. At least that was the plan. The house is no longer there. My first pass left me disoriented--was I having a senior moment? Was I not where I thought I was? So I made two more passes, and sure enough, it's not there. I'm still freaking about it. It was a rock-solid home that my mother cared for like her child. There are trees encroaching where the house was. I checked my photo history, and it was there four years ago when I drove by. Fire? No clue as to what happened. To say this has rocked my foundation is an understatement. Just like my life, that house seemed permanent. So with it disappearing, it brought home the realization that I'm not permanent either. I know all this, obviously, but the home's disappearance slammed it into my heart in a new way. 
    Forging ahead, I went on to Alan Seeger Natural Area and walked my favorite trail. As my angels would have it, I had the place to myself, quite a joy. Stay tuned--I'll soon post a video describing my favorite spot on earth. 
    My next stop was Peight's Country Store outside Belleville, PA. I can summarize by saying that it is the Amish Wal-Mart. It is a small store that has everything--food, hardware, clothing, office supplies, home decor, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, fabric and sewing supplies, toys, cleaning products, fresh baked goods, glass-bottle milk, cookbooks, even a whole rack of assorted-color suspenders.
    Then I drove through beautiful tree-covered central PA to the Carlisle area to spend the evening with my college roommate, whom I had not seen in person for decades. We couldn't remember the last time we saw each other. We reconnected through Facebook and online yoga classes. We had a great evening catching up, walking the beautiful farmland, getting my doggie fix with her beautiful Golden Retrievers, sharing a great home-cooked meal. It was a heart-comforting ending to a wild emotional ride. 

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