Sunday, May 9, 2021

May 9--Thank a Mother

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.  --Sir Winston Churchill

    I spent last evening with my niece and four of her long-time friends, whom I have partied with many times over the years. All six of us are mothers. We celebrated life with several beers. It was wonderful to be together again in person. 
    On this Mother's Day, I offer the excellent words of Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen:
    Your first teacher was your mother, whose arms were created to bring you peace and comfort. Her heart was to give you love so you might find your own. Her blood connected you to your ancestors so you would never be alone in this world. You were not kept forever in the confines of your yard but sent into this world to find your strength, which may have been the bravest thing your mother ever did. She let you go to your self-discovery. Mothers are walking, breathing miracles. 
    Your mother sacrificed so much for you to enter the world. This day is to remind you to find the gratitude in your depth and to express it mom's way.  Allow positive mother memories to activate your heart so your love connection beyond time and space becomes the delivery system for what is more beautiful than flowers. 
    The maternal nurturing energy of the feminine is not bound by birth or gender. Let your love and appreciation go forth from you to all those amazing expressions of God's love, those spiritual mothers who help birth your soul's journey with their grace--the ones who encouraged you when you were down, who were there for you when your heart and soul ached and who reminded you that you are a child of God. 
    Mothers are courage incarnate! Please thank a mother today!

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