Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25-Two Completions, Only One Welcome

Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them. 
--Rita Levi-Montalcini

    This quote is hard for me to take at the moment. I learned just two days ago of the passing of my dear sister-in-law, Sue. Though she had assorted health problems, this was sudden and very unexpected. I am grateful that I had talked with her just a few days before she transitioned. I'm very concerned for my brother--they were married 61 years. I'm also distressed for their children and grandchildren. 
    Coincidentally, the same day she passed, my husband completed our deck, a five-month project of which he is rightfully quite proud. Alas, the deck celebration was lost in grief and calling other family members with the news about Sue. We will enjoy the deck and fond memories of Sue for many years to come. 
    I will write a tribute to Sue sometime in the next few days, possibly on the new deck enjoying the fall weather.

On an ice cream adventure to Handel's, Stow, OH.
Sue is in the center.

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