Sunday, September 4, 2022

September 4--Keep Moving

All you have to do is look straight and see the road. And when you see it, don't sit looking at it--walk.  --Ayn Rand

    I wish I could convince my dog Barney to do this! When we head out the door for a two-mile walk, I know I'm going to be saying "Walk!" at least 50 times, because if Barney had his way, he would stop and sniff every blade of grass on the planet. When he sees another dog approaching, Barney lies down awaiting the other dog's arrival to play. We did not teach him to do that. Other dog owners invariably say, "Awwwww, he's so cute!!!" Actually, it is a rather maddening habit, as he will even lie down in the middle of the street. So "Walk, Barney, walk!"
    How often, with a path in front of us, do we hesitate? It may be fear of the unknown, failure, or others' opinions that cause us to "sit looking at it." 
    Walking generally proves to be more beneficial than sitting. 

On a walk at the CSU Gardens, Fort Collins

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