Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 16--Balanced Thinking

Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.  --Malcolm Gladwell 

    I'm not sure what Gladwell means by "deliberate" and "instinctive," but here are my takes on those. "Deliberate" means "just the facts, ma'am." It includes looking at the data related to a decision and laying out the pros and cons. Detailed written plans may be needed. "Instinctive" means looking at what my gut feel says, what my inner wisdom tells me from both past experience and current conditions and feelings. All the deliberate thinking may say "yes," while instinctive thinking may be a "no," and vice versa. 
    I'll admit that I'm a fairly organized, numbers-oriented, deliberate kind of person. However, I have learned over the years to be more trusting of my instinctive guidance. Years ago I landed in a couple of different networking-sales opportunities that were quite reasonable with deliberate thinking, but I failed to acknowledge my instinctive knowing that I am not a salesperson. Those ventures did not last long. 
    There is great satisfaction in trusting the instinctive thinking and having it turn out well. Deliberate thinking might have kept me away from yoga teacher training, what with the cost, time away, my age and physical shape, and so on. But it was something I really wanted to do, and I followed my instinct, and truly it sustained me through the grueling training. Nine years later I have joyfully completed many hundreds of hours of teaching.
    A Libra always seeking balance,

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