Two or three things I know for sure, and one of them is that if we are not beautiful to each other, we cannot know beauty in any form.
--Dorothy Allison
We have to be willing to meet each other on the porch in peace, to make room for each other, to listen to each other. Even if, at first, we might be inclined to presume the other person or group doesn’t belong…. Welcome your neighbor. Have a conversation. Listen not with a need to agree or disagree but with an open heart and a desire to try to understand their perspective…. You never know what you might learn about this other human being. Or what you might learn about yourself. Our ability to sit with each other in that space, through our differences, is the gateway to radical belonging. It is how we learn. It is how we grow. It is how we become.
--Rev. Ben McBride
Rev. McBride is describing beauty among us.
Leta's latest "straight line" artwork |
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