Sunday, October 20, 2024

October 20--Nothing to Prove

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.  --Maya Angelou

    I remind myself often that I have "nothing to prove to anybody," but like all of life, it's a daily practice. It is especially challenging for this codependent person! As I sit here and ponder this quote, I realize that painting has helped me with this. I'm never going to be a da Vinci, and I'm really OK with that. The key is to enjoy my playtime with paints and know that whatever comes through me is unique to me and quite enough!
    Birthday fun continues... my younger son called with birthday wishes and a friend from grad school called and we had a lovely catch-up chat. Our three best-buds set from grad school--all of us had two sons. What are the chances?!?!! 
    SUPER birthday bonus--I learned yesterday that my great-niece had her daughter on my birthday 😂 I am now a great-great-aunt three times over. 
    Let the fun continue!
Leta's current fun-with-paints

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