Monday, February 14, 2022

February 14--Love Requires Freedom

Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.  --Kahlil Gibran

    Happy Valentine's Day!! May you be in love with yourself, with another, and with life!
    My travel bud and I are super-grateful for our husbands in many ways, but we really appreciate that neither of them want to go with us on our adventures. They would rather do their thing and have us go off together jaunting around the world. Likewise, we don't have to do what they want to do, in my case, bicycling across states and sleeping in a tent. There's plenty of love there, but we aren't bound to each other. It works really well. Because we are not together all the time doing the same things, we still have plenty of interesting conversation material. 
    Attempting to control another person's life and activities is an exhausting and unrewarding job. It's a lose-lose situation and most importantly, it's not love.
    Freedom to live and love is priceless! 

At Niagara Falls

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