Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 4--So Much In Common

Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something.  --H. Jackson Brown, Jr.   

    What an excellent, simple and profound statement! I am afraid of old-age illness and dependency (very common), I love my family dearly (very common), and I have lost both my parents (very common). Could we use this idea to take it a whole lot easier on ourselves and others?
    Fear, love and grief--we all experience those. It's what we do with them that matters. Fear... do we hide from the world, buy a machine gun and kill those we fear, join a riot at the Capitol, or is there some other way? Love... as my wise younger son told me yesterday, love starts with oneself, and if you can't do that, you can't love anyone else. So you don't need to search for love; apply it to yourself and the rest will follow. Loss... not just about death, we face loss on a regular basis. Allowing ourselves time to grieve is both a loving thing and one that can help with any fears relative to the loss.
    We have much more in common than we regularly acknowledge.

Near Fort Collins, CO

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