Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 29--Let It Flow

Love yourself and then learn to extend that love to others in every encounter. 
--Oprah Winfrey

    One of the ways to love yourself is to consciously recognize your accomplishments, no matter how small. I've learned to do this relative to cleaning house. I dislike doing it so much that I have to at least give myself a mental pat on the back for anything I do along those lines. So in the spirit of giving myself some recognition, this past Friday I completed 100 miles of lap swimming in 2020, and I have now done that for 23 years in a row. And yes, I'm a numbers nerd, and I keep track of my laps in a spreadsheet. I am grateful for the self-discipline, for my body, and for my family support and encouragement. 
    Loving yourself is not necessarily an easy prospect in a society that seems to always be pointing out what's wrong with us. Being an addict, and seeing how rampant addiction is in our society, I know that non-recovering addicts tend toward self-loathing, so there's not much love to extend to others. It took a 12-Step program and learning a successful way of living for me to begin to develop a sense of appreciation for myself. That was the beginning of being able to extend genuine love to others. 
    I do believe that people are good, and there is plenty of love in our world. Each of us, each day, extending love to someone does make a difference. It's a matter of staying focused on what we want more of, and who doesn't want more love in our world? Love is our very essence, so let it flow, shall we?

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