Monday, November 2, 2020

November 2--Heart Wisdom

It is the heart always that sees, before the head can see.  --Thomas Carlyle

    That sense of awe and wonder that spontaneously comes upon us--that's seeing with the heart. So, too, are the moments that take our breath away, by incredible beauty, great compassion, kindness and acts of love. 
    Science has shown that the heart has a "brain" all its own, and there is just as much communication from the heart to the brain as there is from the brain to the heart. Our hearts are wise, guiding centers of intuition, and we ignore them at our peril. Our hearts never steer us wrong. 
    I spent a lot of time as a child protecting my heart and learning to stay in my head, which felt safer. It has taken years of practice to first recognize that my heart was trying to reach me, to pay attention to that wisdom, and finally to act upon it. I've been a lot more comfortable with my intellect than with the feeling nature of my heart. The ongoing practice is worth it, however, because heart wisdom has brought inspiration and richness to my life that my head alone could not create.  
    It's time we bring more heart wisdom into our interactions with each other and into our care for our planet home. The heart knows the solution, and the head can then support the implementation. That brings more balance into our efforts, so sorely needed in a world that is clearly out of whack. 
    Loving my heart,

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