Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13--Heart Creativity

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.  --Marc Chagall

    Creating from the heart means creating in love. Creating from the head can bring in all sorts of motivations--greed, revenge, retaliation, control, proving oneself--which rarely work for long-term success. 
    Painting has been an activity that is pulling me from my head to my heart. That can be quite a lengthy trip! I had been painting the very specific and symmetrical patterns of barn quilts. I love the straight-line geometry of those, and they kept both my head and heart happy. Then I decided to do a straight-line but totally free-form painting. I knew only that I wanted an odd number of colors, and an odd number of patches of each color on the painting. I started with a shape in the center of the 2'x2' board, then added patches of other colors, working my way to the edges. I had no plan. I let my heart take me. I ended up using five colors in 11 shapes each. It is my favorite thing that I have ever painted. It's a gift for someone I love dearly, and knowing who the intended recipient is only added to the heart connection of creativity. 
    Make no mistake--"winging it" on this painting was a challenge for the organized, planner, see-the-end-result person I am. Creating from the heart is a practice for me for sure, and it feels really good. That is motivation enough.

This is the referenced painting: 11:11.
(orange, dk green, gray, white, black)

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