So far, so good. Black coffee is really OK. (For background, read the blog entry for Days 1-3.)
I received The Whole 30 book on the 4th day and it has been invaluable, even though I'm only 40-some pages in. Loads of support and information. (Thanks to my good friend and Whole 30 veteran, Sonya, who answered my text question regarding an ingredient while I was still at the store!)
Day 4: B: 2 eggs/ghee, HFVJ
L: salad (veg/berries/nuts), applesauce-based dressing, celery w/ cashew butter
D: chicken salad, sweet potato/ghee, cherries
Day 5: B: Raw cashews, HFVJ
L: 2 eggs, 1/3# burger, 1/2 avacado, bit of onion
D: Chicken in tomato sauce, sweet potato/ghee, cherries
Day 6: B: Raw macadamia nuts, HFVJ
L: Salad (veg/half avacado/berries/cashews)
D: Chicken salad, sweet potato/ghee, cherries
Key points: I know about myself that being truly hungry freaks me out on a very deep level. I experienced this the morning of Day 4 before I could eat. Even to the point of sweating profusely. All is well now. I'm finding it's important to keep myself busy so I don't sit around and think about what I'm NOT eating. I played golf on Sunday to get myself out of the house. I do sometimes feel totally worn out, but it passes. There's a great section in The Whole 30 about meal planning, and I'm now doing that several days ahead, which greatly helps with the potential hunger-freakage. Overall I feel good, and I feel good about doing this for my body and spirit.
I've not been a pop drinker for many years, maybe have a couple root beers a year. I've been a fan of seltzer water for a long time, so I'm glad that's an approved drink.
Regarding hot flashes/night sweats, they are back, the jury is still out on that. I think my whole body is in a state of "what the hell!??!" and is adjusting beautifully, though maybe not comfortably for me.
Onward, Day 7.
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